
Increment increase from infinity stuck

Brennan-Dan opened this issue · 12 comments

When using incremental adjustments on the fader, If fader set to -90/infinity it does not move up when using incremental values.

Hi, Just wondering if this is an issue that can be fixed at all? @Julusian is this something you are able to look at? Many Thanks

Hi @Brennan-Dan

This may be a dumb question but could you maybe tell me what action you are using to get this behaviour? I can try look into it over the next few days although I wont be at our actual console this week to test

@Brennan-Dan, did you ever find out what actions you re using?

I tried on Sunday by setting the X32 to -inf and then using the adjust fader action to +10 and worked fine, I then spammed the -10 and it stayed at -inf then tried a +10 and worked fine. I then went from -inf and set a adjust by +100 over 10 seconds and worked fine

Hi @justingiffard sorry for the delay, So the action is the Adjust level of the channel to bus send. an example I currently have set up is the source: channel 1, Target mixbus 2, Delta at -1 fade duration 0. I have another button with the delta at 1,

So what happens for me is when I decrease all the way down to -90 into infinity, It won't come back up into -90 from infinity.

I hope the above information helps.

Hi @Brennan-Dan

-90 is the representation of -infinity.
I can't seem to replicate this, will try again on Sunday. Is is maybe that you don't press your +1 enough to notice a difference? Remember faders are logarithmic so as you move away from 0, 1db gets smaller and smaller in terms of movement.

Where are you looking at the values of the fader? Is it that that's not changing or the fader? Just trying to get an idea so I can look into it when Im at the church on Sunday

So after some time, I have finally been able to sit down and go through the functions to work out exactly what I am experiencing.

Function: X32: adjust the level of a channel to bus send
Delta Value: 1
second button as Delta Value: -1

The buttons work as they should adjusting the fader up and down to -60dB, once you hit -63dB you can no longer adjust the fader up from this point, its probably good to note that at -60dB the fader adjustments go from 1dB adjustments to 3dB adjustments which may be causing the issue.

I hope I have made this clear. If there are any more questions please let me know.

@justingiffard have you managed to take a look at the above at all? Thanks in advance!

@justingiffard Did you manage to recreate the issue?
@Julusian are you able to have a look at this at all and see if it possible to over come? as I think you implemented the original feature?

Many Thanks in advance,