
Feature Request: Mute/Unmute Variable

houtacheng opened this issue · 6 comments

Would it be possible to get variables on the various states of mute or unmute?

It possible yes but would add quite a lot of variables. I can perhaps look into this though
What would you want the variables to say? "MUTED" and "UNMUTED"? or "muted" and "unmuted"?

Out of curiosity what is the use case for this? Could you not use feedbacks and change the button colour depending on if its muted or not?

I need to show "mute" or "unmute" in the button.

istnv commented

You can do that with Feedback.

Hi @houtacheng, is there a reason you can't do this with feedbacks? Why do you want it to show states with text?

I do this to show the mute state in the button

The benefit of this compared to a variable is that I get to choose the text (mute vs muted vs + vs on), the downside is that it does require duplicating the name portion of the button to multiple places

I have no idea this function.
I get it!!!