
Request to add "not equal to" != to cell value expressions in triggers

obcocav opened this issue · 2 comments

It appears that when using triggers the "Not equal to" expression is not available to use with cell value triggers. the options are =,<,>,<=,>=. Would be great to have != as other triggers have as I have multiple values that should execute one command and only one that triggers the alternate. It is available with "Check variable value" but then I am unable to type anything but the example cell in the variable value field. Thank you!

It should be a feature request for Companion itself to allow inputting any text as a variable option in triggers, as the reason an example variable is used is because to define variables for each and every single would be excessive and detrimental to performance.

As a follow up to this. I've come up with a workaround that I thought would work. I was going to use an "execute" button to manually write the value from a sheet cell to a custom variable then use the compare function on that. The weird thing is that it works in the sense that the value I write to the custom variable show correctly on a button, but the actual value of the variable is the call to the sheet. ie. (googlesheets: SERVICETIMES!A1) This seems so close to working as I want! Any ideas? It obviously is calling the correct value I just need it to write that actual value to the variable rather than the formula to get it. Thanks! @thedist