
Upcoming streams IDS in variables

jendamozna opened this issue · 4 comments

Would it be is possible to have following?

{yt:upcoming_stream_1} - My stream 1
{yt:upcoming_stream_2} - Another stream name
{yt:upcoming_stream_3} - N/A
... e.g. up to 10
{yt:upcoming_stream_id_1} - asdfasdfasdf
{yt:upcoming_stream_id_2} - sdfgsdfgsdfg
{yt:upcoming_stream_id_3} - N/A

YT: Start Upcoming Stream
-- input param select box containing: upcoming_stream_1, upcoming_stream_2, upcoming_stream_3, ...

YT: Stop Stream by ID
-- input param streamId

YT: Stream State by ID
-- input param streamId
-- states: live/active, completed/finished, ...

This would help in my usecase, where i could map first few streams into fixed buttons and use them without need of manualy assigning buttons in companion before action.

prepared in #64

I’m very excited to test this out just as soon as I can!

Also excited to test this too! Setup the dev environment so I could build it and give it a try tomorrow.

prepared in #64

Great work, will try this when I have time.