
Alternative smilies

Alxandr opened this issue · 6 comments

My shell doesn't support the images used by wip.


Would be great to have the option to use some ascii-art or similar instead, that works on all shells.

Hey @Alxandr thanks for the report. Are you on Windows?

Could you see if any emoji is supported in the shell? Maybe try copy and pasting from here:

If not, ascii art is a great idea for a fallback. (Though it would require more lines and might bloat the already-large boxes – we might need to just fall back to text-only.)

My terminal (seemingly) only supports ANSII unfortunately. I've been trying to figure out how I can get it to support more, but yeah. Might be the font, not sure.

Also, when I said ASCII-art I meant something simple like :) etc. Not multi-line stuff. Just simple smileys from the pre-unicode days :P

Oh, that makes sense. Any idea how we can test for support?

No, not really. I was thinking just make it configurable, like the sounds.

Hey @Alxandr – this is now available in the latest release:
$ wip without emoji
