
Links no longer appear

Opened this issue · 5 comments

rr- commented

I have up to date bitlbee-facebook. Since a few days ago, messages containing links no longer come through. Text works normally. Special Messenger messages that contain a link + user text used to appear as two messages: first with the link, second one with the text, and now only the text message goes through.

I realize this is description is rather lackluster so please do not hesitate to tell me how I can offer you more information for you to debug :)

I got a couple of reports in #bitlbee about this too, but I'm not sure if i'm not doing the repro steps right or if it just doesn't happen to me yet. What are these "Special Messenger messages"?

The only unusual thing I see is these, one every five seconds:


Which is something I got from a report yesterday (as a lack-of-message report) but honestly I haven't been taking a look at the background noise lately, could be unrelated.

15:26 < dx> i sure see a bunch of forced fetches
15:32 < dx> no missing messages though
15:32 < dx> jln, plantroon: how do i send messages to repro the issue from official apps?
15:34 < jln> when you press share from fb web and send via message to friends
15:34 < dx> rip
15:34 < dx> i tried exactly that and works for me
15:35 < jln> but you send from someone ele to you?
15:35 < jln> else*
15:36 < jln> maybe it must be sended from phone app so
15:39 < dx> just tried from someone else and same thing

If you want to look through debug logs, see - but please don't post these anywhere public as they are full of tokens and user ids and stuff. You can throw stuff at my email as mentioned in

rr- commented

By "special messages" I mean text together with link in one message like this:

rr- commented

I sent you an e-mail with the logs. The password is "krokodyl" 🐊

Thanks. That confirms my suspicion that we get nothing at all :(

Time for the long overdue protocol upgrade i guess.