
facebook - Error: An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later.

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Connection is up since some hours with 1 user in group chat... but when I add new people in the groupe... they join, they automatically quit and I'm kicked ....

--> LinkedFacebook join channel #facebook
--> Kath7224 join channel #facebook
--> Val1000 join channel #facebook
--> Jean1569 join channel #facebook
--> Jean1000 join channel #facebook
--> Este6090 join channel #facebook
--> Chry5840 join channel #facebook
<-- Jean1000 quits #facebook
<-- Val1000 quits #facebook
<-- Jean1569 quits #facebook
<-- Kath7224 quits #facebook
<-- Este6090 quits #facebook
<-- Chry5840 quits #facebook
<-- root has kicked linkedFacebook (Chatroom closed by server)

[13:37:37] [root!] facebook - Error: An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later.
[13:37:37] [root!] facebook - Signing off..

1 to 4 users it's correct but more users isn't possible. I tried to add people with /invite, fb links and manually but same effect... Some solutions?