
"Error: The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed" every `sync_interval` minutes

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As of about 2 hours ago, users may have started to experience the error from the title, quick tinkering with available options suggests it happens every sync_interval minutes, so setting it to a high value (say, 43200 for a month) is a temporary workaround.

Perdu commented

Where do you configure sync_interval? Thanks

same question as @Perdu , @zer0def - no idea where you can set this up, Appreciate if you can point us to the right place to modify this.

Assuming your Bitlbee IM account ID is facebook (or whatever numeric ID you have for it), that'd be account facebook set sync_interval <int>. Be sure to save afterward.

I just started getting that error message with my facebook account. I followed the instructions setting the sync interval to 43200, but as soon as I log in facebook disconnects me citing the error:
"facebook - Login error: The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed"

An hour ago it would let me log in and then disconnect me after a few minutes, now it will not even let me log in.

I blame Facebook, of course...

I guess daddy Zucc got upset with you abusing his machines, perhaps you guys need a break from each other for a couple of hours? Just be sure to check up on the site about how badly he might've gotten offended.

Yeah, maybe so. Nothing on the site that I can find that is related to this, however. Zucc is being quiet about his rage...

Yup, just had to wait. Thank you for the solution!

And... No. I can connect just fine with Caprine, but this plugin gets rejected every time I try to connect with it. Unfortunately, I do not know how to actually diagnose the problem, but my account is fine and the plugin is using an app password generated at Facebook.

Any ideas on what else i can do to help troubleshoot this?

Hello !
I have the same problem, account facebook set sync_interval 43200 didn't seem to fix my troubles, even after waiting a whole night without trying to connect.

I am using Bitlbee-facebook + Weechat. Any ideas as to what might be the problem here ?

Thank you in advance !

Assuming your Bitlbee IM account ID is facebook (or whatever numeric ID you have for it), that'd be account facebook set sync_interval <int>. Be sure to save afterward.

How did you find this out? this is not even documented on bitlbee...

@Epistam indeed this does not fix anything either on my side

My Bitlbee also didn't get the connection up again with the sync_interval of 43200. Instead I was immediately thrown out.
However, with the sync_interval set to 1440 seems to work, at least for now. Seems to keep connecting for more than just the day, too.

Awesome! Thank you. That little tweak has me working for now. Let's hope it continues to work...

@kimmov-kipe That seems to do the trick for me too. Thank you !

1.2.2 forces sync_interval to be more than 5 minutes, defaults to 1440.