
FB locking account

Opened this issue · 10 comments

ktpx commented

I don't know if this a "bug" or just facebook being a-holes (most likely), but they keep locking my account "for security reasons" now when using this plugin.

I've been experiencing the same thing.

The usual workaround of connecting with a web browser proxied via my BitlBee server results in being prompted to confirm my identity. I can successfully unlock the account by confirming a code texted to my phone number, but Facebook just locks it again the moment I try to connect with BitlBee.

This has been happening since 29 May. I initially decided to wait a while and see if it was temporary, but I've retried several times over the past few weeks with the same behaviour every time.

My BitlBee server is hosted on a Vultr VPS in Amsterdam running OpenBSD 6.7. This started happening at the same moment I upgraded from OpenBSD 6.6, but I don't think that's related since the bitlbee package wasn't updated—I suspect that merely triggered the problem by causing a new connection to Facebook when I rebooted the system.

Any ideas for workarounds would be much appreciated.

Would like to add this is happening to me too. Since around May, then I last did a reconnect, I've not been able to get back on. I've tried 3 different IPs and a new bitlbee installation, proxying to the bitlbee server and logging in, and even using Xvnc to login directly from the browser on the server. Every attempt locks my account, forces me to change my password on facebook and logs out all of my accounts. I stopped trying because of how annoying that process is.

I've yet to find any workaround myself.

Same problem here, I had to stop using bitlbee-facebook months ago, and i really miss it :(

I also stopped using bitlbee-facebook because of these random account problems. For me, Facebook always forced to change password and it was very annoying thing to sync the password on all devices, generate new device passwords etc.

I don't understand it. Wouldn't it be also Facebook interest to support diverse client software? I stopped using Facebook messenger completely, not only with bitlbee.

Isn't this a duplicate of #195 ?

I think this managed to somehow 'hard lock' my Facebook account as it wants me to provide ID yet the process for that doesn't work. Not bitlbee-facebook's fault, but just a warning that you might effectively lose your Facebook acccount using this.

My BitlBee server is hosted on a Vultr VPS in Amsterdam running OpenBSD 6.7.

I don't think location of the machine is related, because I run BitlBee on my home server and I'm also experiencing this issue. Facebook works normally until I try to login with BitlBee.

Facebook probably just added some kind of check that bitlbee-facebook cannot pass (at least right now).

t2n commented

same here, willing to pay to fix this

ktpx commented

Doubt this is client's fault, it's FB being douches, and blocking non-messenger connections. It's the same nonsense using ie. matrix bridge. IP doesn't seem to matter like noted above.

usvi commented

Hello. Would people like to try for lulz what I cooked up to see if it makes difference about locking the account? I tried to fix the 2FA auth thingy but as a side effect I needed to institute a data nugget which was not there (machine_id). I haven't reverse-engineered anything about Facebook protocols, but there is a tiny chance this might play a role. See:

Also all other feedback is gratefully accepted.