Compile Error in XClk.cpp
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mmaxus35 commented
C:\Users\Burak\AppData\Local\Temp\build7794fcd854046ed8889d5039584e34f2.tmp\sketch\XClk.cpp: In function 'bool ClockEnable(int, int)':
C:\Users\Burak\AppData\Local\Temp\build7794fcd854046ed8889d5039584e34f2.tmp\sketch\XClk.cpp:31:13: error: 'struct ledc_channel_config_t' has no member named 'hpoint'
ch_conf.hpoint = 0;//added by me
This is the output when I try to compile the code.
UPDATE: I just commented out the ch_conf.hpoint = 0;//added by me` and exchange the WifiMulti to normal WiFi with station mode configuration, because WiFi Multi did not connect to my Wi-Fi additionally. Moreover, the image is blurry. However, this might be caused because of my pin connections.