
refactoring downsample?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

So, what I was playing with is instead using something like

    sensor->set_quality(sensor, 35);

And then don't bother with averaging every block of 4*4 pixels, but instead just skip across the pixels like

    unsigned char p[3];
    getPixel(x * 4, y * 4, frame, p);
    newImage[y][x][0] = p[0];
    newImage[y][x][1] = p[1];
    newImage[y][x][2] = p[2];

Thanks for the suggestion, nice trick!
I didn't see the need for optimization yet but that would be a way.
I'd kick the down sampling first, too. Since the resolution is so low there was no need though

Yup. I've been using your code with which basically sends the pixels over UDP and I quickly ran in to memory problems with the ESP, so I figured I'd try to cut costs where I could :)