
not finding my kubeconfig

Closed this issue · 2 comments

These are my steps. I'm authenticating into an IAM role with EKS perms. Then I use aws cli to pull my kubeconfig. That should have my credentials in it.

` name: AWS Credentials

    uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2

      role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::<redacted_acc_no>:role/<redacted_role_name>

      role-session-name: ci-run-${{ github.run_id }}

      aws-region: ${{ env.AWS_REGION }}


    name: Get kubeconfig

    run: |

      aws eks update-kubeconfig --name ${{ env.CLUSTER_NAME }} --region ${{ env.AWS_REGION }}  --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config


      echo $(cat ~/.kube/config | base64) >> $GITHUB_ENV

      echo 'EOF' >> $GITHUB_ENV  

    name: Install Helm Chart (Staging)       

    uses: bitovi/github-actions-deploy-eks-helm@v1.2.4       


      action: install

      name: <redacted_severicename>-service-${{ env.environment }}     
      aws-region: ${{ env.AWS_REGION }}

      cluster-name: ${{ env.CLUSTER_NAME }}-prod

      namespace: ${{ env.environment }}

      values: "image.tag=${{steps.image_tag.outputs.tag}}"

      config-files: k8s/<redacted_severicename>/values-${{ env.environment }}.yaml

      chart-path: k8s/<redacted_severicename>/Chart.yaml `

The plugin, however, seems to be pulling from (and writing to) kubeconfig data from /github/home/.kube/config, which is a directory I don't have the perms to access.

The output of your (failed) step is:
Error: Kubernetes cluster unreachable: the server has asked for the *** to provide credentials

Those credentials should be in my kubeconfig, but I think your runner is pulling them from a place to which I can't write.

Hi @jsmith-itscovered ! First of all, thanks for submitting an issue.

Our GitHub Action will take care of pulling the kubeconfig file for you, so you might want to skip the Get kubeconfig step completely.

Please test that and let us know how it goes!

    - name: Configure AWS credentials
      uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2
        role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::${{ }}:role/${{ }}
        aws-region: ${{ }}

    - name: Install Helm Chart
      uses: bitovi/github-actions-deploy-eks-helm@v1.2.4
        aws-region: ${{ }}
        cluster-name: eks-cluster-${{ env.environment }}
        ... (put your other arguments here)

You can also find us in Discord if you need more help!

This ended up being a problem with our aws-auth. Thanks for your willingness to help.