
Error: More than one instance of bitcore-lib found.

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I'm trying to install a full node (, but I ran into this error:
Error: More than one instance of bitcore-lib found. Please make sure to require bitcore-lib and check that submodules do not also include their own bitcore-lib depen

Previous environment:

node 6 and npm 3

1- npm install -g bitcore
=> got an error
2- sudo npm install -g bitcore
3- sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev build-essential
Then I read that you should not install it with root privileges
4- Remove npm and node from my system (even cache and tmp folder)
5- install nvm with node 4.8.3 and npm 2.15.11

Current environment:

nvm with node 4.8.3 and npm 2.15.11

1- npm install -g bitcore
2- bitcored
=> Error: More than one instance of bitcore-lib found.

I don't know how to make it work. If you have any ideas ;-)

throw new Error(message);

Error: More than one instance of bitcore-lib found. Please make sure to require bitcore-lib and check that submodules do not also include their own bitcore-lib dependency.
at Object.bitcore.versionGuard (/home/johann/.nvm/versions/node/v4.8.3/lib/node_modules/bitcore/node_modules/insight-api/node_modules/bitcore-lib/index.js:12:11)
at Object. (/home/johann/.nvm/versions/node/v4.8.3/lib/node_modules/bitcore/node_modules/insight-api/node_modules/bitcore-lib/index.js:15:9)
at Module._compile (module.js:409:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:416:10)
at Module.load (module.js:343:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:300:12)
at Module.require (module.js:353:17)
at require (internal/module.js:12:17)
at Object. (/home/johann/.nvm/versions/node/v4.8.3/lib/node_modules/bitcore/node_modules/insight-api/lib/blocks.js:4:15)
at Module._compile (module.js:409:26)

@Johannbr Same issue for me. I had some struggles trying to install bitcore due to a permission error. Eventually I installed it. I went back and deleted the global and project level installations and bitcore, but still get the same error as above. I also went and manually deleted the bitcore packages from the global npm directory, but no joy.

I found a solution here:
Issue 1454

Well, this is far from a proper way to solve this issue, but you can get rid of this error by editing file


line 7:
bitcore.versionGuard = function(version) {
Change it to:
bitcore.versionGuard = function(version) { return;

I had the exactly same trouble, and fixed by the exactly same workaround. not sure should I send a PR, though.

Worked for me too, after spending a day on it :(

It works, as long as you make the same correction to *all your instances of bitcore-lib/index.js

Same problem, same solution.
Thanx, @Johannbr !

pira commented

newer versions are broken, see comments here: ad4e25e

usab commented

Same problem here. How did you guys fix it?
There is no file: ~/.nvm/versions/node/v4.8.7/lib/node_modules/bitcore/node_modules/insight-api/node_modules/bitcore-lib/index.js

I just opened node_modules/bitcore-mnemoic/node_modules/bitcore-lib/index.js and commented out the following lines of code

bitcore.versionGuard = function(version) {
  // if (version !== undefined) {
  //   var message = 'More than one instance of bitcore-lib found. ' +
  //     'Please make sure to require bitcore-lib and check that submodules do' +
  //     ' not also include their own bitcore-lib dependency.';
  //   throw new Error(message);
  // }

The solution that @Johannbr suggested worked. If you have multiple bitcore libraries you need to return all the bitcore.versionGuard conditions

try adding
"postinstall": "find ./node_modules/**/node_modules -type d -name 'bitcore-lib' -exec rm -r {} + && echo 'Deleted duplicate bitcore-libs'" to your package.json.
curtsey of @Tahseenm

I have found a full proof solution to this ๐Ÿ‘

Object.defineProperty(global, '_bitcore', { get(){ return undefined }, set(){} })

enjoy !!

@adiingit are you putting that in the versionguard function?

@adiingit Great!

Any chance you could make a pull request with the change?

@silence48 : no , not in version gaurd function . Put it as the init of your application or app.js .

@adiingit thanks I figured it out shortly after appreciate the fix

@mathiasrw : do we need a PR to bitcore lib for this ? We can add this to our app instead .

I think I found a very Good work Around with version control or editing the code in your node modules because to me that is a bad practice

var p2p     = require('bitcore-p2p');                           //p2p exports
var p2pMod  = require.cache[require.resolve('bitcore-p2p')];    //p2p module
var bitcore = p2pMod.require('bitcore-lib');   


var p2p     = require('bitcore-p2p');                           //p2p exports    
var bitcore = require('bitcore-p2p/node_modules/bitcore-lib');  //p2p/bitcore-lib exports

@dagogodboss what if you don't want to use Bitcore-p2p ? I just want lib and explorers

Object.defineProperty(global, '_bitcore', { get(){ return undefined }, set(){} })

Where do I add that line?

I have found a full proof solution to this ๐Ÿ‘

Object.defineProperty(global, '_bitcore', { get(){ return undefined }, set(){} })

enjoy !!

@adiingit's works great ๐Ÿ‘

but if you're using bitcore-lib-cash, you have to change it to:

Object.defineProperty(global, '_bitcoreCash', { get(){ return undefined }, set(){} })

fyi, last I looked into these things I found as a higher quality bitcoin javascript library

Hi, I found a solution here: Issue 1454

Well, this is far from a proper way to solve this issue, but you can get rid of this error by editing file
line 7:
bitcore.versionGuard = function(version) {
Change it to:
bitcore.versionGuard = function(version) { return;
