
Problem recovering shared wallet having both private keys

fandorin1977 opened this issue · 2 comments

Dear copay team,
Have a shared wallet with balance it in. It’s a 2-2 wallet created in copay. One of the parties reinstalled copay on a new phone and tried to either join or restore the wallet.

Joining gives a messages that the wallet is full.
Resorting with the secret phrase creates a new wallet with 0 BTC in it.

The other party has the wallet with balance it it.

Tried to use the recovery tool with both recovery phrases entered with gap 20, 100 and every time it finds 0 BTC.
Wallet ID 53d5aeb6-6d9e-4e1d-ae36-afbd1cccb8fc

k2a0 commented

How dk I recover my wallet and how tl i send ot to mh bank?

Any thoughts on this?