
typo in ConfShopware6ApiBase

rawdlite opened this issue · 4 comments

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Heads up for this library. Greatly appreciated.
Just came across a typo in the ConfShopware6ApiBase Code.

Copied admin/settings/system/itegrations in my URL and was wondering why it was not working. ;-)

Needs to be '/admin#/sw/integration/index'

Guesss this is too trivial for a pull request.

cheers tom

Dear Tom,
its a missunderstanding, not a typo - it should read :

Web Adminitration Interface : settings --> system --> integration

or directly via URL :
https://<fqdn>/admin#/sw/integration/index, were <fqdn> is the fully qualified domain name like

I will clarify that in the documentation, thanks for the hint !

yours sincerely


I guess its both then as it says 'itegrations'.

cheers tom

indeed !


Thanks a lot. Great work and great libary. Help a LOT! :)