
xcode 12.5.1 not installed

bimawa opened this issue Β· 7 comments

We need help ASAP. Please.

CleanShot 2021-07-07 at 12 30 31@2x

Related topic

CleanShot 2021-07-07 at 12 34 06@2x

Looks like not yet.

Hello there @bimawa πŸ‘‹

Sorry to hear about the issue, can you please send us the log file or the URL of the related build and also enable Support Access on the Settings tab of the app ( ) so that we can take a more in-depth look? πŸ™‚

@Roland-Bak I am so happy see you here πŸ˜„
As I reply to support by e-email:
Ok I opened the access:
I’ll try describe the situation with issue. Our build has a lot of dependencies like binary frameworks and it builded with xcode 12.5.1 with swift 5.4.2.
if Bitrise will build our app with xcode 12.5.0 with swift 5.4 it will be not compatible and vice verse if we build our dependecies with xcode 12.5.0 we can’t build app with xcode 12.5.1
Sometimes Bitrise select xcode 12.5.0 sometime 12.5.1. looks like some VM using not updated stack.
We need some settings to force set up xcode version 12.5.1 not lower.

@Roland-Bak I opened access again. Check it pls.

@Roland-Bak Any news? Should I build my app manually?

Hello @bimawa πŸ‘‹

We are currently investigating this issue, but please note that this can take time. Once we know more, we'll let you know! πŸ™‚

Hello @bimawa πŸ‘‹

We are currently investigating this issue, but please note that this can take time. Once we know more, we'll let you know! πŸ™‚

Sorry for abuse.

Just investors found my home address.

@Roland-Bak looks like fixed! Thanks a lot!
CleanShot 2021-07-12 at 19 50 49@2x