
Can't find Provision Profile

lzagar-comi opened this issue · 3 comments


  • I've searched for possible solutions.
  • Which version of the step is effected? 3.x.x
  • Is the issue reproducible with the latest version? YES
  • Does the issue happen sporadically, or every time? EVERY TIME

Issue description

Bitrise info

  • Log: Certificate and profile installer
 Provision Profile (xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxad87)
  • Log: Xcode Archive & Export for iOS
 error: No profiles for '' were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching ''

Steps to reproduce

  1. Update Provisioning Profile
  2. Remove old Provisioning Profile
  3. Add new Provisioning Profile to Code Sign
  4. Start build
  5. Certificate and profile installer -> downloads correct profile
  6. Xcode Archive & Export for iOS -> No profiles for '' were found

Can you please turn on verbose logs for the xcode-archive Step and share the full build log (with secrets omitted)?

Hello Luka @lzagar-comi ,
Did you manage to solve the issue?

@lpusok Yes, I have managed to solve it, thank you. It was my fault regarding provisioning profiles, since I was new to the project and it was all setup automatically and I have tried to do it manually.