
Xcode iOS Archive & Export step getting failed when triggering the build from cURL

NayanBhut opened this issue · 1 comments


  • Is the issue reproducible with the latest version? YES
  • Does the issue happen sporadically, or every time? EVERY TIME when trigger with cURL. Working fine when we do rebuild from Bitrise Dashboard.
  • Is the issue reproducible locally by following our local debug guide? NO. Local machine working fine.

Issue description

I am getting this error from Bitrise when step fails.
error: exportArchive: Provisioning profile "" is Xcode managed, but signing settings require a manually managed profile. (exit code: 1)

I had already uploaded the valid provision and certificates in Bitrise. I am not getting the error when rebuild or triggering build from dashboard.
Expected Behaviour :
The step is to get success and ipa has to be created

Bitrise info

Steps to reproduce

Possible issue can be this.

After changing the profile index in the code signing it is working fine. As per project it has automatic sign in so I put automatic signing profile first and then added manual. It is working fine now. So closing this issue.