rebalance -> Unknown format code 'd' for object of type 'float'
mercurytoxic opened this issue · 2 comments
mercurytoxic commented
uname -a
Linux testnet 5.16.10-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed, 16 Feb 2022 19:35:18 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux
git show
commit 72571f0daa41edba10c9b814277791d8b406c1e2 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
On current master : 72571f0
lndmanage --loglevel DEBUG info 2410110796388433920
> Loaded graph from file: 2270 nodes, 5478 channels.
Info represents channel id.
-------- Channel info --------
channel id: 2410110796388433920 channel point: a5a8f4e3ea57c5a69e51f63de639d416b2317eeabf7bc8af9ccb3b5871b83603:0
capacity: 16776992 sat
blockheight: 2191983
open since: 2021-10-04 16:41:55
channel age: 214.350000 days
last update: 2022-05-06 13:40:27
-------- Channel partners --------
02f661e46cd1b9169e7abc79977977fb3154c324b82b927e3078c913bfb98ff839 | 038863cf8ab91046230f561cd5b386cbff8309fa02e3f0c3ed161a3aeb64a643b9
bitmarkTestOne |
base fee: 1000 msat | base fee: 1000 msat
fee rate: 0.000001 sat/sat | fee rate: 0.000001 sat/sat
time lock delta: 40 blocks | time lock delta: 40 blocks
disabled: False | disabled: False
last update: 2022-05-06 13:40:27 | last update: 2022-05-06 10:13:07
Disconnecting rpcs.
lndmanage --loglevel DEBUG rebalance 2410110796388433920
> Loaded graph from file: 2270 nodes, 5478 channels.
Info represents channel id.
Time interval (between first and last forwarding) is 29.97 days.
Default amount due to strong unbalancedness.
>>> Trying to rebalance channel 2410110796388433920 with a max rate of 0.001 and a max fee of 100 sat.
>>> This is a dry run, nothing to fear.
>>> The channel status before rebalancing is lb:16776809 sat rb:0 sat cap:16776992 sat.
>>> Commit fee 183 sat. We opened channel: True. Channel reserve: 167769 sat.
>>> The change in local balance towards the requested target (ub=0.00) is -100000 sat.
>>> Trying to change the local balance by -100000 sat.
The expected unbalancedness target is -1.01 (respecting channel reserve)
>>> Rebalancing can take some time. Please be patient!
-------- Description --------
cid: channel id
ub: unbalancedness (see --help)
atb: amount to be balanced [sat]
aaf: amount affordable [sat]
l: local balance [sat]
r: remote balance [sat]
lbf: local base fee [msat]
lfr: local fee rate
frm: fee rate margin
a: alias
-------- Candidates in order of rebalance attempts --------
Unknown format code 'd' for object of type 'float'
Disconnecting rpcs.
bitromortac commented
Thank you for reporting! That's a bug probably because you had a recent channel, where the base fee and fee rate hasn't yet propagated into the graph. In such cases a float-type default placeholder is set causing the error, see
Line 401 in 72571f0
So that should have resolved as soon as the channel is a bit older.
mercurytoxic commented
Thank for the prompt reply. It's been three days and I am still getting the same error. listchannels | grep 2410110796388433920
2410110796388433920 ✗ ✓ -1.00 16776992 16776809 0 0 0.000001 ......................... bitmarkTestOne...........
/usr/bin/lncli --network=testnet listchannels | grep 2410110796388433920 -A 33 -B 4
"active": true,
"remote_pubkey": "02f661e46cd1b9169e7abc79977977fb3154c324b82b927e3078c913bfb98ff839",
"channel_point": "a5a8f4e3ea57c5a69e51f63de639d416b2317eeabf7bc8af9ccb3b5871b83603:0",
"chan_id": "2410110796388433920",
"capacity": "16776992",
"local_balance": "16776809",
"remote_balance": "0",
"commit_fee": "183",
"commit_weight": "600",
"fee_per_kw": "254",
"unsettled_balance": "0",
"total_satoshis_sent": "0",
"total_satoshis_received": "0",
"num_updates": "30",
"pending_htlcs": [
"csv_delay": 2015,
"private": false,
"initiator": true,
"chan_status_flags": "ChanStatusDefault",
"local_chan_reserve_sat": "167769",
"remote_chan_reserve_sat": "167769",
"static_remote_key": true,
"commitment_type": "STATIC_REMOTE_KEY",
"lifetime": "174160",
"uptime": "174160",
"close_address": "",
"push_amount_sat": "0",
"thaw_height": 0,
"local_constraints": {
"csv_delay": 2015,
"chan_reserve_sat": "167769",
"dust_limit_sat": "354",
"max_pending_amt_msat": "16609223000",
"min_htlc_msat": "1",
"max_accepted_htlcs": 483
Based on the channel point and uptime this is not a new channel, it's a month old.
/usr/bin/lncli --network=testnet describegraph | grep 2410110796388433920 -B 1 -A 23
"channel_id": "2410110796388433920",
"chan_point": "a5a8f4e3ea57c5a69e51f63de639d416b2317eeabf7bc8af9ccb3b5871b83603:0",
"last_update": 1652232878,
"node1_pub": "02f661e46cd1b9169e7abc79977977fb3154c324b82b927e3078c913bfb98ff839",
"node2_pub": "038863cf8ab91046230f561cd5b386cbff8309fa02e3f0c3ed161a3aeb64a643b9",
"capacity": "16776992",
"node1_policy": {
"time_lock_delta": 40,
"min_htlc": "1000",
"fee_base_msat": "1000",
"fee_rate_milli_msat": "1",
"disabled": false,
"max_htlc_msat": "16609223000",
"last_update": 1652155827
"node2_policy": {
"time_lock_delta": 18,
"min_htlc": "1000",
"fee_base_msat": "0",
"fee_rate_milli_msat": "1",
"disabled": false,
"max_htlc_msat": "16609223000",
"last_update": 1652232878
And it seems to be well included in the graph.
The error seems to happen no matter what channel I try.