
New feature: last phase, re-read functionality

bitsofinfo opened this issue · 1 comments

This is to flush out potential long term memory leaks on reads over time

a) after the final verify phase
b) prompt user to execute optional re-read phase

This phase would:

  • blow away cache directory (prompt user for cache dir root location)
  • prompt user for re-read run duration (in MS like 24 hours etc)
  • prompt user for mode


  1. Limited: prompt user for number of files to re-read and number of times to re-read each file. Re-read TOC file, randomly pick N files to re-read and divide that number by (duration time / num of files * number of re-reads). Re-read each file, sleep duration, delete file from cache, re-read again and so on, then move on to next file
  1. All: re-read TOC file, and re-read each file in order, with sleep time MS = duration / total files, between each read
