
What is going wrong with parsing floats here?

Qqwy opened this issue · 3 comments

Qqwy commented

A very strange thing happens when using either(float, integer). I don't know if this is a bug, or if I am doing something wrong.

My very simple parser module

defmodule Jux do

  use Combine

  def parse(str) do
    Combine.parse(str, parser())

  def parser do
    |> many1(sequence([term(), whitespace()]))

  def whitespace do

  def term do

  def number do
    either(float(), integer())


This crashes if there is a non-floating-point number somewhere before the end of the parsed statement.

Inputs that work:

iex> Jux.parse("2.0")
iex> Jux.parse("    2.0")
iex> Jux.parse("2.0   3")
[[2.0, 3]]
iex> Jux.parse("3")

Inputs that do not work:

iex> Jux.parse("2.0 3 ")
** (ArgumentError) argument error
    lib/combine/parsers/text.ex:568: Combine.Parsers.Text.float_impl/1
    lib/combine/parsers/base.ex:105: Combine.Parsers.Base.either_impl/3
    lib/combine/parsers/base.ex:163: Combine.Parsers.Base.do_pipe/3
    lib/combine/parsers/base.ex:152: Combine.Parsers.Base.pipe_impl/3
    lib/combine/parsers/base.ex:330: Combine.Parsers.Base.many1_loop/5
    lib/combine/parsers/base.ex:316: Combine.Parsers.Base.many1_impl/2
    lib/combine.ex:52: Combine.parse/2
iex> Jux.parse("2 3")
** (ArgumentError) argument error
    lib/combine/parsers/text.ex:568: Combine.Parsers.Text.float_impl/1
    lib/combine/parsers/base.ex:105: Combine.Parsers.Base.either_impl/3
    lib/combine/parsers/base.ex:163: Combine.Parsers.Base.do_pipe/3
    lib/combine/parsers/base.ex:152: Combine.Parsers.Base.pipe_impl/3
    lib/combine/parsers/base.ex:330: Combine.Parsers.Base.many1_loop/5
    lib/combine/parsers/base.ex:316: Combine.Parsers.Base.many1_impl/2
    lib/combine.ex:52: Combine.parse/2

What is going wrong here?

Sorry it's taken so long, I've been swamped. I found the issue here and pushed a fix.

Qqwy commented

The fix works great. I'm really happy to be able to rewrite the parser in the Elixir version of Jux using Combine now 😄 .

Thank you very much!

You're very welcome :)