
Passkey authentication window randomly takes >6 seconds to load.

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Install
  2. Install from
  3. Install from
  4. Attempt to use a FIDO passkey stored in Bitwarden to authenticate at, for example,

Expected Result

It shouldn't take that long.

Actual Result

The passkey apparently randomly takes almost 10 seconds to appear. It might occur more frequently when 20+ entries for a domain exist.

Screenshots or Videos

It's difficult to capture because it's seemingly random, but I'll try to.

Additional Context

No response

Operating System


Operating System Version

Web Browser


Browser Version

Build Version

Issue Tracking Info

  • I understand that work is tracked outside of Github. A PR will be linked to this issue should one be opened to address it, but Bitwarden doesn't use fields like "assigned", "milestone", or "project" to track progress.

#8971 (comment)

I've filed this so that anyone with a similar issue can use this as a reference point, but I'll close it until I'm able to reproduce it consistently, and/or have a recording.

Hi there!

I attempted to reproduce your issue and was unable to do so.

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The issue here will be closed.

#8971 (comment)

@NovaSilentium, it's already closed. Did you read #8971 (comment)?

I can confirm this slowness with Passkeys on our self hosted instance, the issue we have that is 100% reproducible is that our BW is behind VPN, and not all the time I am behind VPN and every time when I connect to some random website that use WebAuthn and use the Passkey stored inside my vault, it can take about 10-20 seconds before something happens. This I can do over and over again as long I am not behind the VPN.

When connected to VPN I have never seen any issue at all.

Tested with Windows 11, MacOS Sonoma (M1).
Browser: Chrome (latest stable).