
GUT script see other nodes on scene as nulls

Jeremi360 opened this issue · 4 comments


(list all versions where you have replicated the bug)

  • Godot: Godot 4.2.2
  • GUT:9.0.0, 9.2.1
  • OS: Linux Arch

The Bug

If I try to acess nodes in scene script see them as nulls.
This tests should be fails:

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Crate scene with some node other that root node
  2. Add GutTest node to scene
  3. Try to acess any node in scene from GutTest script
    4a. See that assert_null(node) passes, when it should fail
    4b. See that script crashes when you want for example assert_true(some_node2D.visible),
    as some_node2D will be seen as null

Minimal Project:

It appears you are trying to create a scene that tests itself. You should not be using test scripts (extends GutTest) as scripts in nodes. GUT instantiates all test scripts and then runs the tests inside (methods beginning with "test_"). There is no need to make a scene for tests to exist in. Rather, you should be creating instances of things to test inside your test script.

I understand this was just a sample, but to be clear, you should be testing things that are not in the Test directory. For the example below I'm using a hypothetical player scene at scenes/player.tscn.

extends GutTest

var player_scene = load('res://scenes/player.tscn')

func test_can_make_one():
    var inst = player_scene.instantiate()

func test_health_defaults_to_100():
    var inst = player_scene.instantiate()
    assert_eq(inst.get_health(), 100)

func test_can_set_health():
    var inst = player_scene.instantiate()
    assert_eq(, 30)

Thanks for quick anwser @bitwes I will try that

@bitwes It seams that it works when I crate scene in runtime in small project.
Now I try this aprouch in my other project.

My bad now I saw that in my orginal project exports that was poting to other nodes become empty after I turn them in to scenes, so I close this.