
Running and converting .pkl

Closed this issue · 3 comments

saadqu commented

I am new to this area can anyone point me in the direction of how can I run this model? I have tried Jupyter but somehow only a single file is runable on Jupyter and gives dependencies error.
Also, I would like this model to be converted into an onx file, is it possible or do I have to train again with some other config please do let me know.

bjekic commented

Hi saadqu,

Can you provide a traceback of the error you are encountering when running any script/notebook and specify what did you exactly run.

Regarding the conversion to onnx, there is no support for model conversion and deployment of this model inside this repository.

saadqu commented

Hi @bjekic,

Thanks for your response, i did managed to run the jupyter i just had to install matplotlib by adding !pip install matplotlib at the top of .ipynb. (apologies new to this area)

Now my main concerns comes in order to change the model to onnx file, in your response there is no support for this is in current repository is there any other way i can convert it?

PS. I have tried tf2onnx and tensorflow-onnx.

bjekic commented

Hi @saadqu,

You can take a look at the official pytorch docs for model conversion, for example this link.

Since there are no other issues with the repository itself, I will be closing this issue.