localhost vs network request differences
rickyoleary opened this issue · 1 comments
Hi, we're having issues where we are getting multiple requests to "open-id configuration" which then get cancelled (looking in network tab in Chrome) when using IP address using our OIDC service locally. If we use localhost it works as expected.
We found this out because when developing locally I had no issues but when deploying we had SSO run on a different server, and when pointing to this I'm getting about 5 times as many requests and sluggish behaviour. Running the same SSO locally, and using localhost works as expected. Switching to the IP address of localhost causes similar behaviour to when it's been accessed via another server.
Could it be explained to me why it's doing this please? I did try adding localhost to hosts file but it made no difference.
But essentially we're seeing if we run the client and SSO locally, it's fine. When SSO is elsewhere or not accessed via localhost we're seeing far more network requests and also re-renders as a result. We're running UserSsoLifetime at NULL and session token for 3600.
Edit: Further reading shows it tries to connect to connect/session, but on localhost this succeeds, on it fails with "login_required", it looks like the cookie isn't being passed. I am, however, still getting token data displayed from authData
Issue was to do with HTTP vs HTTPS with silent renew.