Install fails for conda
stuchalk opened this issue · 1 comments
stuchalk commented
Running conda install -c bjodah chempy pytest., I get the following error:
(base) CHEM-67816:~ n00002621$ conda install -c bjodah chempy pytest
Collecting package metadata: done
Solving environment: failed
PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:
- chempy -> pulp[version='>=1.6.8']
- chempy -> pyodesys[version='>=0.12.4'] -> pycvodes[version='>=0.11.9']
- chempy -> pyodesys[version='>=0.12.4'] -> pygslodeiv2[version='>=0.9.1']
- chempy -> pyodesys[version='>=0.12.4'] -> pyodeint[version='>=0.10.1']
- chempy -> pyodesys[version='>=0.12.4'] -> pysym
- chempy -> pyodesys[version='>=0.12.4'] -> python-symengine
- chempy -> pyodesys[version='>=0.12.4'] -> symcxx
- chempy -> quantities[version='>=0.12.1']
bjodah commented
Thank you for the report. I have suspected this, unfortunately conda-forge is moving faster than what I'm able to keep up with. At some point I hope to be able to put chempy on conda-forge, in the meantime, using pip under conda should still allow you to install chempy.