
Configuration instructions on Windows are incomplete

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I have tried to configure the ssh connection to IDC on my Windows machine by using PowerShell and found that there is only one instruction to generate the key in the Readme. On my "fresh" system it also failed due to non-existing .ssh folder:
PS C:\Users\ivorobts> ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f C:\Users\ivorobts\.ssh\id_ed25519_idc Generating public/private ed25519 key pair. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Saving key "C:\\Users\\ivorobts\\.ssh\\id_ed25519_idc" failed: No such file or directory
Changing access modes on Windows via PowerShell also doesn't work with chmod.
We would like to use the IDC as a reliable solution to deliver trainings and workshops and in that case for hands-on exercises we expect at least 50% of attendees to come with their own laptops with installed Windows (WSL is not installed in that case).
Finally I connected to the Head Node via putty and used Pageant (putty authentication agent) with PuTTYgen (to convert the key to ppk). However, step-by-step instructions for Windows user with no access to Linux machine or WSL are missing.

Great feedback. I'll try to consider this and add better Windows instructions. If you want to take a crack at writing what you'd like to see (what worked for you) - that would help me - just reply to this issue if you can offer more. Either way, I'll do my best to incorporate something on this late today or tomorrow at the latest. I'm guilty of preferring Linux/MacOS/UNIX... but I can muddle through Windows too (it reminds me of VMS).