npm run jatos does not create a Jzip
tmnvanderberg opened this issue · 2 comments
tmnvanderberg commented
Hi, thanks for your work on this.
According to the docs,
If you want to serve your experiment using JATOS, run npm run jatos instead to create a JATOS study file (.jzip) that can be imported via the JATOS web interface.
But when I run npm run jatos
> pris-stimuli-experiment@0.0.1 jatos
> npm run jspsych build --jatos
> pris-stimuli-experiment@0.0.1 jspsych
> jspsych -e experiment "build"
[10:39:45] Building [started]
[10:39:45] Building experiment [title changed]
[10:39:45] Reading experiment file [started]
[10:39:45] Reading ./src/experiment.js [title changed]
[10:39:45] Reading ./src/experiment.js [completed]
[10:39:45] Cleaning build directory [started]
[10:39:45] Cleaning build directory [completed]
[10:39:45] Copying assets [started]
[10:39:46] Copying assets [completed]
[10:39:46] Building scripts and styles [started]
[10:39:51] Building scripts and styles [completed]
[10:39:51] Building experiment [completed]
[10:39:51] Packaging experiment [started]
[10:39:51] Packaging experiment [completed]
Your build has been exported to packaged/
As you can see, no jzip is generated, just a regular zip file.
I can't import this file in Jatos and when I unzip it study_assets_root the enviroment
is not set correctly when running the experiment.
Kind regards.
tmnvanderberg commented
I should probably note that I changed the command to "jatos": "npm run jspsych build --jatos"
or it would not run at all.
tmnvanderberg commented
Just found 1a0db16,
feel free to close :)