
simple framework to handle plurals in java apps

Primary LanguageJava

Pluris - Lightweight framework to handle plurals in java applications


Download the last build version and install it manually to your repo:


$ mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=br.com.six2six -DartifactId=pluris -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=1.0 -Dfile=pluris-1.0.jar -DgeneratePom=true


Clone pluris project and install in your local repository:

$ mvn clean install

Use it like a maven dependency on your project



Add a pluris.json file in the root of your project classpath;

Add messages to the file following the format below:

            "messagePattern":"{0} and {1}",
                  "zeroOccurs":"{0} apples",
                  "oneOccur":"{0} apple",
                  "manyOccurs":"{0} apples"
                  "zeroOccurs":"no pineapple",
                  "oneOccur":"{1} pineapple",
                  "manyOccurs":"{1} pineapples"
            "messagePattern":"{0} e {1}",
                  "zeroOccurs":"{0} maçãs",
                  "oneOccur":"{0} maçã",
                  "manyOccurs":"{0} maçãs"
                  "zeroOccurs":"nenhum abacaxi",
                  "oneOccur":"{1} abacaxi",
                  "manyOccurs":"{1} abacaxis"

You can use a short locale to your messages. Pluris is able to find messages for "en" when using "en_US" as default locale;

Retrieve a message

String msg = PlurisUtil.getMessage("fruits.message", 3, 6);

msg is now

"3 apples and 6 pineapples"

Or retrieve a message for a specific locale:

String msg = PlurisUtil.getMessage(new Locale("pt", "BR"), "your.message.key", arg1, ...argN);

If you want to split your messages into multiple files, add a pluris.properties in the root of your project classpath:

files.to.load=/file.json, /file_en_US.json, /file_pt_BR.json