
An Objective-C runtime wrapper for Rust.

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


An Objective-C runtime wrapper for Rust.

objc-rs provides:

  • A low-level ffi wrapper for the libobj runtime API
  • A wrapper for libobj
  • A wrapper for the base NSObject class


Add these definitions to your Cargo.toml:

git = "https://github.com/bjz/objc-rs.git"

git = "https://github.com/bjz/objc-rs.git"

Add this line to your crate:

extern crate objc;

The crate is only supported on OS X. If you attempt to compile it on another platform, a compilation error will result.

Conventions for Objective-C API wrappers

API wrappers depending on objc-rs should conform to a common set of conventions for consistency.

Dealing with Objective-C's overlapping namespaces

Objective-C has multiple overlapping namespaces that can potentially cause conflicts when converting APIs to Rust. In order to resolve these conflicts we adopt a Hungarian Notation naming scheme:

Objective-C Element Rust identifier format
C type aliases [ident]
C variables [ident]
C functions [ident]
C struct [ident]
Class Method c_[ident]
Instance Method i_[ident]
Instance Variables iv_[ident]
Properties i_[ident], i_set[ident]

Namespacing methods, instance variables, and properties under unit structs

To prevent conflicts between methods, instance variables, and properties, they need to be separated from the global namespace. We do this using unit structs onto which we implement the methods as associated functions. The unit structs should use the following naming conventions:

Objective-C Element Rust identifier format
Class [namespace]Class[ident]
Protocol [namespace]Protocol[ident]
Category [namespace]Category[ident]

Conventions regarding class definitions

A class definition should be accompanied by a type alias that maps the class identifier to the Id type. This will make method definitions clearer. Classes should also implement the GetClass trait.

Naming selectors

Objective-C borrows Smalltalk's selector style for its message sending syntax. In order to model this in rust, we use _ as a stand in for the :.

Objective-C selector Rust method identifier
foo p_foo
+ newFoo: c_newFoo_
+ newFoo:withBar: c_newFoo_withBar_
- setFoo: i_setFoo_
- setFoo:withBar: i_setFoo_withBar_

Sending messages

objc-rs provides five functions for sending messages to classes and objects:

  • msg_send
  • msg_send_fpret
  • msg_send_stret
  • msg_send_super
  • msg_send_super_stret

TODO: Explanation, examples.


extern crate objc;

type NSObject = objc::Id;

struct NSClassObject;

impl objc::GetClass for NSClassObject {
    fn get_class_name(self) -> &'static str { "NSObject" }

impl NSClassObject {
    pub unsafe fn c_class(objc::class: Class) -> objc::Class {
        objc::msg_send()(class.as_id(), objc::selector("c_class"))

    // ...

struct NSProtocolObject;

impl NSProtocolObject {
    pub unsafe fn i_class(objc::this: Id) -> objc::Class {
        objc::msg_send()(class.as_id(), objc::selector("c_class"))

    // ...