
updated to 1.6

waynelapierre opened this issue · 8 comments

Will you update this document to Julia 1.6?

Yes, when Julia 1.6 is out.

Julia 1.5 did not introduce anything that required changes in 1.4.2 document

Two small suggestions: 1. show some basic statistics functions in the Statistics and machine learning section. Maybe it is better to just call it Statistics. 2. use pure Julia plotting packages instead of PyPlot.

Thank you for the suggestions. Which exactly package you consider "pure Julia plotting package"? And what benefits the user would get by using it? I use PyPlot.jl because most people already know matplotlib + PyPlot.jl is fast to load and fast to get a first plot.

The assumption that most people already know matplotlib + PyPlot.jl may not be accurate. I use the GR backend. Many users only have experience with Matlab and R.
The goal of Julia is to solve the two-language problem. It makes no sense to encourage people to use PyPlot.

Sure, but GR is not written in Julia either. Julia only provides bindings to https://gr-framework.org/ just like PyPlot.jl to matplotlib. I am aware of benefits of GR.jl over PyPlot.jl, and the API for GR.jl has to be learned from scratch.

Anyway - maybe I will just switch to Plots.jl? I hesitated with this earlier, but in 1.6 "time to first plot" problem should be much less visible.

sure, just use Plots.jl
