Start activity from background message
Closed this issue · 4 comments
thanks for this module, it's the only one I was able to use successfully. I'm using Firebase to send a notification to the app, that part is working fine, I can see the incoming message (foreground / background) etc. I'm able to start IncomingCall from foreground but it doesn't want to trigger from the background handler. This is my code:
messaging().setBackgroundMessageHandler(async remoteMessage => {
console.log('Message handled in the background!', remoteMessage);
// Display incoming call activity
IncomingCall.display('123123', 'caller ID');
I can see the log entry for the incoming message so the handler is correctly set up I think. But the call doesn't appear on the device. I might be missing something obvious, could you please help?
Hi. This module is still working in progress and I know this part is not completed. I will fix it in the next few days.
I just see a fork that seems to fix this issue, you should check this
Thanks, I was able to get it working using the fork!
Fixed in v1.2.0