
RBR20 doesn't appear to work???

86lava opened this issue · 2 comments

Running Python 3.9.2 on Windows 10.

1st question: root@RBR20:/# brctl showmacs br0 #results in 9 unique mac addresses - ports 1-9

port no mac addr is local? ageing timer
1 78:d2:94:52:4c:8f yes 0
2 7e:d2:94:52:4c:8f yes 0
3 82:d2:94:52:4c:8f yes 0
4 86:d2:94:52:4c:8f yes 0
5 78:d2:94:52:4c:91 yes 0
6 7e:d2:94:52:4c:91 yes 0
7 82:d2:94:52:4c:91 yes 0
8 78:d2:94:52:4c:92 yes 0
9 7e:d2:94:52:4c:92 yes 0

I have tried the following command using each of the above nine mac addresses. Each time I get the same response. Am testing this on V2.5.1.16 so that I view the debug.htm to see if telnet has been enabled.

C:\Users\Owner\Desktop>py telnet-enable2.py 7E:D2:94:52:4C:8F admin
Netgear LBR20 Telnet enabler V2 LBR20(c) B.Kerler 2021
Done sending pw data to
Done sending hashed_pw data to

2nd question: Is this the expected response from the script?

Thanks for your efforts on behalf of the community. Also pretty much a NOOB here as well.

you need to give the right pw, otherwise it won't work. Example : sudo python3 ./telnet-enable2.py A0:40:A0:63:A6:20 admin

Hello sorry to re-open the thread. :) I tried it too on my RBR20 but doesn't seems to works.

I ran :

sudo python3 ./telnet-enable.py xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx admin 'password'

But doesn't seems to work as I'm still not able to telnet to it. also the only output I got is :

Netgear Telnet enabler V3.1 (c) B.Kerler 2021-2023

I tried to nmap the port and have only the follwwings :

adi@adi netgear_telnet-main % nmap
Starting Nmap 7.94 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-12-31 07:22 CET
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0034s latency).
Not shown: 997 closed tcp ports (conn-refused)
53/tcp  open  domain
80/tcp  open  http
443/tcp open  https

For what it worth I'm running all of that on OSX and installed telnet via Brew so should be fine on that side but maybe I'm missing some libraries ? could that be possible ?

if by any chance someone landing here see that bottle sent to the sea. I would higly appreciate some direction :) <3