
iOS UI controls and formatters for entering money, credit card number and expiry date.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


iOS UI controls and formatters for entering money, credit card number and expiry date.

Card logo images by http://www.shopify.com/blog/6335014-32-free-credit-card-icons


Screenshot Screenshot


Class Description
BKCardNumberField Subclass of UITextField that supports formatting card number. You can show card logo image by setting showsCardLogo to YES.
BKCardNumberLabel Subclass of UILabel that displays formatted card number and card brand logo. You can mask card number by configuring cardNumberFormatter.
BKCardNumberFormatter Subclass of NSFormatter. This class has card number pattern information inside and formats according to patterns. You can customize masking behavior, masking character and group separater character.
BKCardExpiryField Subclass of UITextField that supports formatting card number expiry date.
BKCurrencyTextField Subclass of UITextField that supports formatting money amount. You can change currency by changing the currencyCode property of numberFormatter.



// create (you can also use interface builder)
BKCardNumberField *cardNumberField = [[BKCardNumberField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 300, 40)];
cardNumberField.showsCardLogo = YES;
[self.view addSubview:cardNumberField];

// get card number
NSString *cardNumber = cardNumberField.cardNumber;

// get card company name
NSString *companyName = cardNumberField.cardCompanyName;


BKCardNumberLabel *cardNumberLabel = [[BKCardNumberLabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 300, 40)];
// set masking character. BLACK CIRCLE (0x25CF)
cardNumberLabel.cardNumberFormatter.maskingCharacter = @"";
// masking second and third group.
cardNumberLabel.cardNumberFormatter.maskingGroupIndexSet = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(1, 2)];


BKCardExpiryField *field = [[BKCardExpiryField alloc] init];

// get month
NSInteger month = field.dateComponents.month;

// get year
NSInteger year = field.dateComponents.year;


BKCurrencyTextField *field = [[BKCurrencyTextField alloc] init];

// change currency
field.numberFormatter.currencyCode = @"KRW";

// get number value
NSDecimalNumber *number = field.numberValue;

Custom cards images

Just add to your image assets the card logo with the shortName eg. "visa", "amex", "mastercard" etc..