
What is location used for?

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The app tries to determine my location. Why?

The app does not use nor does it try to use the location. It doesn't even have the location permission, see here: https://github.com/bkueng/clash_of_balls/blob/master/AndroidManifest.xml

Thanks for clarifying. Maybe then there is a bug in CyanogenMods Privacy Guard?

This is what I see after installing Clash Of Balls from F-Droid and opening it for the first time. The Privacy Guard is enabled by default.


This is weird. Either it is a bug or the AllJoyn library (https://www.alljoyn.org/), which the game uses, tries to get the location. But I'm pretty sure it doesn't.
However I just dug a bit deeper and saw that getScanResults() is called, which lists WiFi access points and is listed under Location in the XPrivacy app. Maybe this is what the Privacy Guard is detecting as well. getScanResults() could be used to infer information about the current location, but also to connect to a network.