
blackberry.payment.checkExisting() for SKU claiming virtual good not purchased

Opened this issue · 9 comments

I'm using the payment api as follows:

restoreVirtualGood: function() {
  var onsuccess = function(data) {
    if (data.subscriptionExists) {
      // user purchased virtual good!

  var onfailure = function(error) {
    // could not restore

  blackberry.payment.checkExisting({ sku: 'VRTLGD-002' }, onsuccess, onfailure);

And it appears to always return false for data.subscriptionExists. I've also noticed that all examples/unit tests for blackberry.payment.checkExisting() pass an ID instead of an SKU... so I have seen no proof of this method working with an SKU. Can I have some confirmation that this method works with an SKU? Perhaps add a unit test?

I'm not sure if using an id instead will fix my problem... and I'm not sure how I can verify it without submitting to the App World. Any suggestions?

cc @rwmtse Any thoughts?

@scdowney Do you have any suggestions?

This is a defect in the underlying payment service, that is on our backlog.

Currently, checkExisting will always return false for non-subscription digital goods. The desired behavior is to return true for regular goods, true for subscription goods that are currently valid, but false otherwise.

I assume once the payment service is fixed that this API will just work appropriately? I.e. no API or client side changes required?

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How do we check for check for existing purchased goods in the meantime? Would getExistingPurchases return regular goods or does it suffer from the same defect?

@kwallis that is correct. whenever the fix goes out, the API will work as expected.

@achan getExistingPurchases will indeed have the information, so you can use that in the meantime.

@scdowney Thank you!

What's the ideal way to test this? Should I just stub the payment service? Or is there a better way?

Unfortunately there isn't really any exact way to test that functionality. Even for sandbox mode apps, as far as I know, checkExisting won't work as expected for purchased goods/subscriptions (since in this environment purchases are not charged).

Using local/development mode, checkExisting should always return true.

In order to fully test different digital good/subscription good states, you may need to stub out to provide the desired information in checkExisting and/or getExistingPurchases responses.

Thanks. I'll carry on from here.

I'll leave it up to you guys whether you consider this issue closed or not...