
strange values reported by window.innerWidth on startup during device rotate

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Steps to reproduce on dev alpha b:

  • start bbui app
  • rotate the device while startup logo is displayed
  • once the app is started, you will see that font size is much smaller then expected


We have found that in this scenario window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight return unexpected values during bbui init call.

Depending on the rotation, you can get the following values:
window.inner: 1024 x 1707, screen: 768 x 1280
window.inner: 1024 x 615, screen: 1280 x 768

In this scenario bbui cannot determine correctly screen size and setup the correct CSS styles.

Some more details can be found in bbui issue:


Can somebody from WebWorks core team please review this problem ?

This issue combined with issue #665 makes it impossible to detect screen size / device model with OS 10.1 ...