
The API reference filtering in the navigation pane should filter on more than just features

kwallis opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently, when you click on one of the specific platforms, it only filters based on features. eg. blackberry.invoke is a feature that exists on all platforms. but when you look at the reference, it lists all methods/constants etc., regardless of if they exist on the current selected platform or not. Filtering should not show any pieces of a feature that are not on the current platform.

Adobe's ActionScript 3.0 Language Reference implements filtering beautifully:

Where they have Runtimes and Products, we could simply have a series of checkboxes for BBOS 5, BBOS 6, BBOS 7, TabletOS 1, TabletOS 2, BBOS 10. Expected functionality would be to see relevant APIs for checked OS versions only.

In the case where an API is supported on multiple platforms, I'd like to see those platforms represented as a group of right-aligned icons on the same line as the APIs title.