
Fix invalid HTML in the generated docs

Opened this issue · 2 comments

There were several other issues such as whitespacing and big changes between the styling in the browsers. The table in questions also had some strange white spacing. This is due to awful (sorry, but from HTML-perspective it is) structure in the file. I assume that this the case for everything produced by the jsdoc tool you use.

  • between rows and in h3’s (why?) This is not allowed according to html-specs
  • To many paragraph endings (

  • Some


    in them, not allowed in itself but then there was another

    in the

    which is just strange. (paragraphs in paragraphs are not allowed either)
  • Table cells without rows. Browsers usually correct this but really not recommended
  • Empty cells, should at least have   in them if no content.
  • The page was ended two times. (multiple ending divs + two ending

they are generated.

Are these issues inherent in the tool we are using or as a result of the templates/input we are providing to the tool?

cc @jeffheifetz