
HTML5 Canvas transparent layering using z-index

Opened this issue · 5 comments

When using events to draw to a canvas layered behind another transparent canvas (using CSS z-index) rendering can be patchy until either rotation or something such as a div modal dialog is drawn above both which when hidden forces a redraw where rendering then becomes clear.

Can you post which OS version you are experiencing this. There isn't much we can do about it in WebWorks, but we could report it to the WebKit browser team.

6.0 bundle 2647 for torch and curve 9300.

Have you noticed if the same thing occurs on BB7 devices?

The BB6 updates are nearing their last versions so updates to this functionality are not likely to occur on an OS6 device. But it would be good to make sure that it is corrected on BB7

Doesn't seem to be an issue on the simulator running OS7 but I do not have a real device to try it on.

It has been a few months since I reported this. Could you please tell me if it has been fixed in OS6 and if so in which release/version. I would like to know as it essentially determines whether or not I release my app for OS6. Thanks.