
Full chrome support

tsu-denim opened this issue · 3 comments

We need better compatibility with the chromium project. Right now we are able to run a build with a lot of things stripped out, using the native 'headless' mode.

However, this mode may not be appropriate for use cases that are intended to simulate a user acceptance scenario (as opposed to a unit test). Old school confirmation windows are the type of things that are breaking right now. Many large applications still have this behavior and only a e2e UI test would catch a regression for that.

They need a window, but the OS runs the window system for these :(.

We are getting close to having the real deal Chrome built with fluxbox/ratpoison and xvfb. Running into library conflicts at the moment.

We are getting closer!

We have this working, but its built pretty rigidly into our internal AWS environment. I am working to bring full Chrome to this repository.

can chrome works on lambda? doesn't lambda need a chromeless versiof of chrome?