
Docker_Pull Could not retrieve all tags

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Not sure if this need to report or no. BBOT v2.0.1.4720rc


This is an intended error message as its not getting a 200 OK response from the /tags/list registry endpoint

Thank you so much 🙏 I'm not sure, but maybe emit it as WARNING? I think everything with ERRR label is a bug in BBOT and needs to be fixed, but again, I'm too noob to give opinion about this. Maybe @TheTechromancer can check and close the thread if it's ok.

Yes that's true. Typically if it's unexpected and needs the user's attention it should be a warning. Otherwise if it's a more common occurrence it should probably be verbose/debug.

Oh yeh, good point I have also logged the response status in a debug message