Pinned issues
- 7
- 6
- 6
- 3
TwilioVideoParticipantView poor quality
#590 opened by sferrari-kw - 11
- 3
Mobile App user is unable to see other participant screen when participant is joined through the video consultation in iOS safari and chrome browsers
#625 opened by anupsamanta - 3
- 4
- 3
requireNativeComponent: "RNCustomTwilioVideoView" was not found in the UIManager.
#647 opened by elenitaex5 - 3
When other party stops sharing their camera stream, their video stream is stuck on last frame instead of going blank
#633 opened by hrastnik - 9
TwilioVideoLocalView becomes transparent when TwilioVideoParticipantView is active
#614 opened by owenadley - 8
Connect Bluetooth Headphone In Between call Voice not coming from headphone in android
#660 opened by SachinPal8050101 - 1
Android crash(call not connect) if join call without granted mic permission
#653 opened by SachinPal8050101 - 5
Play Store Vulnerability Error
#642 opened by GavinConnolly - 2
Microphone stops working after minimizing the app (React Native for Android, with Twilio)
#639 opened by brenonesto - 1
Camera is still open after disconnecting
#626 opened by Ghoral - 9
After enabling Screen Share in IOS, LocalPartipant view is replaced with Screen View tracks instead of Camera View.
#638 opened by vipulSoni458 - 2
#637 opened by Aleksandern - 0
Task :app:mergeReleaseResources FAILED when run android build bundle command
#658 opened by antunesgabriel - 2
java.lang.ClassCastException: com.twiliorn.library.TwilioVideoPreviewManager cannot be cast to com.facebook.react.uimanager.ViewGroupManager
#645 opened by omairys - 1
3.0.0. Overlapping video views on Android doesn't respect overflow:hidden
#648 opened by larsniklasson - 2
How to listen to onParticipantDisabledVideoTrack. Able to listen to onParticipantAddedVideoTrack but not able to listen to onParticipantDisabledVideoTrack.
#641 opened by vipulSoni458 - 1
Screen sharing Android
#635 opened by Aleksandern - 2
- 9
Cannot reenable video-track after disabling it
#579 opened by dreadlordow - 0
can we implement waiting room in react native using blackuy / react-native-twilio-video-webrtc
#649 opened by nithin-ds-07 - 0
[QUESTION] Background processor.
#646 opened by elenitaex5 - 2
- 3
Android X support
#630 opened by munjo5746 - 2
0 events from TwilioVideo
#634 opened by jeremys-sadighgroup - 5
Could not find method compile() for arguments [project ':react-native-twilio-video-webrtc']
#627 opened by bennaaym - 2
- 0
applyZOrder does not exist on video view tags
#628 opened by StephenCavender - 1
- 1
Twilio LiveView - viewer side
#617 opened by BenDuh - 4
- 0
functions are not being called, on the mobile app side when call is ended from Web
#624 opened by anupsamanta - 2
Dominant Speaker not being picked up on Android
#612 opened by SharonGilmore - 0
[Android][IOS]Video and audio not working
#619 opened by chismadalina - 15
In Ios Participant Video is not visible
#598 opened by vishallovecode - 0
Crash on Android when calling disconnect while the localVideo is disabled
#608 opened by ali-thowfeek - 2
Can't get dominant speaker to activate
#607 opened by SharonGilmore - 0
Support for task-router
#605 opened by codal-hkrishnani - 2
file is universal (x86_64,i386) but does not contain the arm64 architecture
#603 opened by jonasgroendahl - 0
enable Video Params Configs From React Native
#602 opened by yoramboccia-IR - 8
Connect not working on Android
#599 opened by vikrambombhi - 1
- 1
Unable to run project after installing this library - Could not find org.webrtc:google-webrtc:1.0.30039
#593 opened by Purushottam-industrility - 1
Remote participant video is not displayed
#582 opened by hpardess - 3
New release request
#580 opened by jpodwys