Roadmap for software engineer, sandbox, algorithms training, it also contains my daily task dashboard
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git error Authentication failed access push
#130 opened by blade-sensei - 0
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#128 opened by blade-sensei - 1
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how to setup pull request ci github pipeline
#125 opened by blade-sensei - 2
custom env environment file react nx
#124 opened by blade-sensei - 1
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error TS6142: ... but '--jsx' is not set.
#117 opened by blade-sensei - 2
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
#116 opened by blade-sensei - 1
node-gyp install npm error
#114 opened by blade-sensei - 0
dotnet setup appsetting for production
#107 opened by blade-sensei - 0
A fatal error was encountered. The library '' required to execute the application was not found in '/home/site/www
#108 opened by blade-sensei - 0
deployment azure app service + vs code
#109 opened by blade-sensei - 1
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build a pool of microservices hosted in AWS
#106 opened by blade-sensei - 0
dotnet core. HTtps certificate Keychain Mac
#104 opened by blade-sensei - 0
angular good tutorials french
#103 opened by blade-sensei - 1
node: Error: Missing binding /Users/work/Lab/HelloHub/frontend/hellohub.venue.admin/node_modules/node-sass/vendor/darwin-x64-72/binding.node
#102 opened by blade-sensei - 1
pwa ressources
#99 opened by blade-sensei - 2
HOC react
#95 opened by blade-sensei - 3
shorts cut code Javascript
#101 opened by blade-sensei - 1
flex css
#98 opened by blade-sensei - 1
react redirections routing
#100 opened by blade-sensei - 0
You need to remember that if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you.
#93 opened by blade-sensei - 16
trends tech
#96 opened by blade-sensei - 2
array javascript time complexity
#94 opened by blade-sensei - 6
drawing basics
#92 opened by blade-sensei - 2
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memory - learning techniques
#73 opened by blade-sensei - 3
grapql basics
#79 opened by blade-sensei - 1
learn box-shadow
#88 opened by blade-sensei - 1
grids cards css html
#90 opened by blade-sensei - 1
pourcent vs vh css
#85 opened by blade-sensei - 2
why text sometimes overflow the div (outside) why word-wrap is a solution word-wrap vs word-break
#87 opened by blade-sensei - 1
css box-sizing
#86 opened by blade-sensei - 1
input date type android support
#89 opened by blade-sensei - 1
WebpackError: Invariant Violation: Invariant Violation : 1 (see ckages)
#84 opened by blade-sensei - 2
get date in format 'yyyy-mm-dd'
#83 opened by blade-sensei - 1
Fix the Infinite Loop Inside “useEffect”
#82 opened by blade-sensei - 3
Could not find "client" in the context of Apollo(MyComponent). Wrap the root component in an <ApolloProvider> Gatsby
#80 opened by blade-sensei - 1
react map undefined will render useState
#81 opened by blade-sensei - 1
today/tomorrow 6/04
#68 opened by blade-sensei - 0
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007 Skyfall
#74 opened by blade-sensei - 2
Happy Number:
#72 opened by blade-sensei - 0
#71 opened by blade-sensei - 2
algorithm: in-place / two pointer
#70 opened by blade-sensei - 3
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how promises works
#67 opened by blade-sensei - 2