
Errors with optcomplete 1.2.devel

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blais commented

Original report by Martin Blais (Bitbucket: blais, GitHub: blais).

Jay Rajput

to Martin, b
Thanks for putting it on the bitbucket. I am seeing that there are two
different optcomplete. 1. Bitbucket 2. pip install
The PyPi version is 1.2.devel which is same as the one in the VERSION
file on the bitbucket. So the BASH source function will work with the
bitbucket version, but not with the PyPi solution.

This one from bitbucket repository uses COMPREPLY and needs eval.

[venv]$md5sum /vagrant/optcomplete/lib/python/
030bdc30851eab0e8f2cc161de8804b6 /vagrant/optcomplete/lib/python/
[venv]$grep -ir COMPREPLY /vagrant/optcomplete/lib/python/


print 'COMPREPLY=(' + completions + ')'

This one came from pip install optcomplete and does not uses

COMPREPLY print statement and so does not need eval.
[venv]$md5sum ./lib/python2.7/site-packages/
27718197a899d1a91f096bdc99506405 ./lib/python2.7/site-packages/
[venv]$grep -ir COMPREPLY ./lib/python2.7/site-packages/


