
Aliases inside ~H and *.heex files are not working

Closed this issue · 5 comments

aifrak commented

I see that snippets.json have the scope phoenix-heex. But there is no suggestion for the aliases related to HEEx templates. I have to copy the snippets config into my local snippets config phoenix-heex.json.

How to reproduce the bug:

  1. Open a *.heex file or write inside ~H
  2. Type <.link
  3. Snippet for is missing in the suggestions

Here is the list of the snippets with the issue:

  • "Phoenix:"
  • "Phoenix: Phoenix.Component.dynamic_tag/1"
  • "Phoenix: Phoenix.Component.intersperse/1"
  • "Phoenix: Phoenix.Component.form/1"
  • "Phoenix: Phoenix.Component.live_title/1"
  • "LiveView: Phoenix.LiveComponent call"
  • "Phoenix: Phoenix.Component.inputs_for/1"
  • "Phoenix: Phoenix.Component.live_img_preview/1"
  • "Phoenix: Phoenix.Component.live_file_input/1"
  • "LiveView: Render slot"

Thank you for your recent activity with PRs and reporting of issues @aifrak . I greatly appreciate your contributions. :)

Funny enough I've been using my snippets with NeoVim instead of VSCode.

I'm not able to reproduce in ~H sigils, but I can in .heex files in NeoVim. In all honesty I rarely use .heex templates, but this is no excuse, mainly context for why I've missed the bug. I'll dive into VSCode as well to see if I have the same issues, I'm betting that it will repro given how thorough you've been so far.

I've been on a break from work for a bit so I haven't been using my snippets as much recently. I'll be ramping back up here in the next week or so, so hopefully I can get this sorted out in the meantime.

Please feel free to log more issues or submit more prs. Your feedback is valuable <3

@aifrak you might need to add the following to your settings.json for heex files

  "files.associations": {
    "*.heex": "phoenix-heex"

See for a full set of recommended configurations.

aifrak commented

@blakedietz I have already followed the tips from the link your provided but without success.

Thanks for the heads up. So with #8 merged does this issue go away now?

aifrak commented

Yes, the issue is fixed. Thank you!