Defcon 26 Badge info (from a totes n00b)

About the badge

  • the silver defcon logo on the bottom left of the badge is a d-pad
  • the two silver circles on the bottom right of the badge are +/- buttons

Connecting to the badge

  • plug micro USB into computer
  • look for device in /dev/
    • look for a /dev/tty* file that looks fishy (ex: /dev/tty.usbmodemFD121)
  • screen into it (ex screen /dev/tty.usbmodemFD121)
    • when you do this you'll see a maze that you can control with the defcon logo in the bottom right (it's a d-pad 😺)
  • to disconnect run (ctrl + a) then release and hit d
    • NOTE: when you do this, if you run screen /dev/tty.usbmodemFD121 you'll get the following error Sorry, could not find a PTY.
      • to fix just unplug your badge and plug it a back in then run screen /dev/tty.usbmodemFD121 again and you should see the maze \o/

The maze

  • the blinking cursor in the maze is controlled by the d-pad on the badge

arcade room

  • text:
    You're in an arcade room screaming of the 80s. Good games, good times!
    A poster says "0x2BFC8E2B3561C04FBBC73FA43D5D96540D0AA008B30924CE47DA0EC67530D3"
  • testing:
    • I think this might be a hex dealio, so I did some stuffs in node based on what the googles told me to do to parse
      > var thing = '0x2BFC8E2B3561C04FBBC73FA43D5D96540D0AA008B30924CE47DA0EC67530D3'
      > var bytestring = Number(thing).toString(10);
      > bytestring
      > parseInt(bytestring, 2).toString(16);
      > parseInt(bytestring, 2)
      > bytestring
      > Number(bytestring)
      > parseInt(Number(bytestring), 2)
      > var numbs = Number(bytestring)
      > typeof(numbs)
      > parseInt(numbs)
      > parseInt(numbs, 2)

????? room

  • text:
    A monolithic humanoid robot towers with cables fanning from its back!
    A paper tape is draped into the machine: "0xFEED B0B0 DEAD BEEF".