
Is it possible to configure android-atleap to work with "targetSdkVersion" less than 19?

nouvak opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi guys!

If I decrease the "targetSdkVersion" to less than 19 (e.g. targetSdkVersion=18),
I get the following error from Gradle:

:app:generateDebugResValues UP-TO-DATE
[/Users/markonovak/AndroidStudioProjects/TomUp/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml, /Users/markonovak/AndroidStudioProjects/TomUp/app/build/exploded-aar/] Main manifest has but library uses targetSdkVersion='19'

Is there perhaps a reason why android-atleap needs targetSdkVersion=19?
Do you perhaps have some suggestion what else I could do to to fix the error
above, besides setting targetSdkVersion to 19? I had to decrease targetSdkVersion in the first place, because the Robolectric library doesn't work for targetSdkVersion=19.
Thank you for your answer.

Marko Novak

Hi @nouvak

According to documentation there is the following statement about android:targetSdkVersion

To maintain your application along with each Android release, you should increase the value of this attribute to match the latest API level, then thoroughly test your application on the corresponding platform version.

At the same time there an issue with Android Gradle plugin

At present moment I can offer you the workaround like this
It should help.

Could you tried to ask Robolectric library developers about their targetSdkVersion?


Thank you very much for the instructions! :)

Unfortunately i cannot test them because I already switched to SQLite from ORMLite
and am not using android-atlep.

But perhaps somebody else will benefit from this one...


@nouvak Android AtLeap has universal content provider for the case using SQLite only (without ORMLite). Have a look. Probably it can help you.