
A Roll20 script for generating random loot for D&D 5e games based on the DMG. Gives options for modifying output and for adding custom items.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Changes in version 4.0:

  1. Removed PotionManager and GearManager script integration, replacing those scripts with the new ItemDB script for managing the addition of items to character sheets.

    Note: Modifications have been made to the default item entries to correspond to the ItemDB database. You must reset your existing database to ensure proper function whether or not you intend to use ItemDB. If you have customized the LootGenerator database, you will need to follow these additional steps: First, rename your modified handouts to preserve their contents (make sure they don't begin with "Loot Generator:"). Then export the relevant tables (Spells, Gems, and Art have not been changed) and re-customize the new handouts using the old ones, making sure to use any new parameters that may apply. Finally, import your updated new handouts.

  2. The export function now requires the --tables parameter to allow you to export select tables rather than the entire database.

  3. Generated loot that used the --whisper parameter in the initial show command will now be whispered when selected from the list of Unbestowed Loot. Note: This does not apply to previously generated loot.

  4. Added more replacement variables for your custom Magic Items.

  5. Added a new mod option for generating double items and coins.

This Roll20 script generates loot according to the treasure tables in the Dungeon & Dragons 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG). It generates a random number (1d100) and displays the results in chat with options for showing the name of the character discovering the treasure, the name of the object from which the loot is taken, and more. LootGenerator will let you add your own special item to the generated loot, provides options for modifying the generation of each loot category, and allows you to import custom items to all loot categories.

As an improvement to the basic treasure tables, LootGenerator also includes a Mundane Items category in addition to the default Coins, Gems, Art, and Magic Items categories. The default Mundane Items include Adventuring Gear from the Player's Handbook.

LootGenerator is for use with the 5e Shaped Sheet and the D&D 5th Edition OGL Sheet.

Table of Contents

Initial Setup

Prior to first use, you must run the --setup function to populate the loot database with items found in the treasure tables in the DMG and items from the PHB. After initial installation, you will receive a dialog with a button for running this command.

Unique magic items are automatically removed from the loot database after generation, so a reset option is provided to re-populate the database if necessary, such as when starting a new campaign. To do so, pass the --reset modifier after the --setup command.

!loot --setup
!loot --setup --reset

If you reset the database and have already customized any of the tables, you will need to re-import data from those tables.


The config menu provides an interface for setting defaults on Coins, Gems, Art, Mundane and Magic Items (see --mod for more info), provides a button for viewing the unbestowed loot list, exporting tables, and a link to help with the --show command.

!loot --config

Notable Exclusions

Because LootGenerator in designed to share item identities with players, all cursed items are absent from the database. If you wish to include cursed items you may do so in many ways. The first (and recommended method) is to simply choose a normal item on the fly from the generated results to be secretly cursed. Most SRD/DMG cursed items are simply cursed versions of another item, so this method allows for the misidentification aspect of the requisite cursed version. The second way is to add the cursed item in with your imported custom items, and thirdly you can include it as a special item in the --show command.

Finally, because of its large size the Apparatus of Kwalish is not in the database. For the same reason, large and/or bulky Mundane Items such as the 10-foot ladder are also not included. To include these items, you can use the --incl parameter or import them as a custom item.

Distributing Loot

Each call of the show command (below) creates a Treasure Collection that is remembered until all treasure in the Collection has been bestowed or saved. If you do not wish to take the time to distribute treasure when it is found, you can return to it at a later time in various ways.

Each Treasure Collection is named based on the title generated by the show command. For instance, if you generate loot with the header "Loot from Pirate's Chest", The Treasure Collection will be remembered as "Loot from Pirate's Chest". Multiple uses of the same name will be numbered, so that another pirate's chest would give "Loot from Pirate's Chest 2". It is advisable, of course, to give each one a unique name from the start to avoid confusion later on.

You may use the !loot --list command to display a list of undistributed Treasure Collections, and logging into your game will also automatically generate a list as a reminder. The config menu also reminds you of undistributed Treasure Collections and provides a link to display the list for players along with the GM's "Bestow" dialog.

In the "Bestow" dialog displayed immediately after loot is generated, coins and treasure are in separate sections. Coins can be given to a selected character or, if PurseStrings is installed, either added to the individual character's Purse or distributed to Party Members. Treasure items can be given individually by clicking the name of the item with a token selected, or given as a whole to the selected character. If ItemDB is installed, items will be added according to that script's configuration.

Items not added via PurseStrings or ItemDB are written to a notes section of the character sheet. For the 5e Shaped sheet, it is recorded in the Miscellaneous Notes field near the bottom. For the 5th Edition OGL sheet, it is recorded in the Treasure field in the Bio tab. In either case, the list of loot items will be preceded by name of the Treasure Collection in all caps followed by a colon so that players are reminded of where the items were found.

The final button in the "Bestow" dialog allows all remaining coins and items to be written to a "Party Loot" handout using the same name-and-colon convention above. Be aware, items in the handout can only be manually added (or dragged from the Compendium) to character sheets, so this function is best used as backup or for moving unbestowed treasure to another game rather than a primary loot distribution method.

Script Integration

LootGenerator will detect the presence of PurseStrings and will provide the GM a link for distributing coins. If ItemDB is installed, LootGenerator will distribute items to characters according to the ItemDB configuration options.

The Show Command

This command is the meat of the LootGenerator script. It generates treasure randomly based on the DMG Treasure tables, plus the Mundane Items, and can be modified by various parameters described below. Each parameter begins with double dashes, and uses a colon to separate the command from its contents where applicable.

The --show command must follow !loot, but the remaining parameters can be called in any order. See below for examples.

To display help for formatting this command in chat, use !loot --help.


Mandatory. There are 2 general types of loot: Individual and Horde. There are also 4 treasure levels based on the Challenge Rating (CR) of the monster(s)/NPC(s) from which the loot is coming: level 1 for CR 0-4, level 2 is CR 5-10, level 3 is CR 11-16, and level 4 is CR 17 and higher. The type and level are given together. For instance, passing --type:Indiv1 will generate Individual loot for CR 0-4. --type:Horde2 will generate Horde loot for CR 5-10, etc.


Optional. This parameter is used to provide the name of the place where the loot was found. By sending --loc:Pirate's Chest you make the header read "Loot from Pirate's Chest". By default, the dialog sent to chat will display a simple header of "Loot".


Optional. By default, the dialog sent to chat will simply show the list of loot items found. If you wish to indicate the name of the player who discovered the loot, use --recip: plus the character's name to display the name of the recipient before the list of loot items.


Optional. Often you will want to include a special item in the list of items found. This could be a special quest item, a mysterious note, etc. For example, using --incl:Cake of Surprise will add "Cake of Surprise" to the loot found. If you want your special item to have emphasis, you may surround the text with asterisks. Sending --incl:*Cake of Surprise* becomes "Cake of Surprise" in the output.

If you wish to pass more than one item, you may separate items with a comma. Note that if you wish to use emphasis on these items you will need each individual item enclosed in asterisks. For example, use --incl:Cake of Surprise,Birthday Present or --incl:*Cake of Surprise*,*Birthday Present*.

Note: Special items will always be mixed in with all other items.


Optional. This parameter is used to override the defaults for showing the Coins, Gems, Art, Mundane Item, and Magic Item categories, allowing you to fine tune or customize the loot generated. To eliminate a category, send "no-" and the category of item you wish to skip. Sending --mod:no-gems will prevent LootGenerator from generating gems. If your default is not to show Art items, for instance, you can send --mod:show-art to make the script generate art objects for the loot.

You may also modify the results of the different categories by using the "less-" and "more-" prefixes. This will subtract or add, respectfully, 25 points from the die roll for each loot category you wish to modify. For instance, sending --mod:more-coins will add 25 to the die roll for the results of the Coins. In this example, if the script generates a die roll of 50, it will use 50 for every other loot category and 75 for the Coins. Keep in mind this does not double or halve the actual number of Items or Coins, it only returns results based on a much higher or lower die roll. For Magic Items, using "more-" could result in fewer but more powerful items.

You can double the results from the different categories by using the "dbl-" prefix. For coins, this will double the amount for each generated denomination. For the rest, it will randomly generate items two times rather than once. Due to the random nature of the generator, this is as close as you can get to generating twice the number of items.

You can modify more than one category by sending multiple parameters separated with a comma. Sending --mod:no-gems,show-mundane will override any defaults to Gems and Mundane Items to skip Gems and include Mundane Items.

The possible parameters for this command are:

  • 'no-gems', 'less-gems', 'more-gems', 'dbl-gems', and 'show-gems'
  • 'no-art', 'less-art', 'more-art', 'dbl-art', and 'show-art'
  • 'no-mundane', 'less-mundane', 'more-mundane', 'dbl-mundane', and 'show-mundane'
  • 'no-magic', 'less-magic', 'more-magic', 'dbl-magic', and 'show-magic'
  • 'no-coins', 'less-coins', 'more-coins', 'dbl-coins', and 'show-coins'

Note: In keeping with the DMG guidelines, Gems, Art, and Magic Items are only available as Horde items. Passing --mod:show-gems with the --type:Indiv1 parameter will still not generate Gems. Coins are the bare minimum for any loot, so 'no-coins' is not an accepted default for Coins.


Optional. This parameter allows the GM to skip output of the results to all players. When --whisper is given as a parameter, the results are whispered only to the recipient (if provided) or the GM.


Optional. This parameter allows the GM to perform a "test run" on a show command. This parameter will only whisper the results to the GM regardless of the use of the --recip parameter. Generated treasure will not be saved and unique items will not be removed.


!loot --show --type:Horde3
!loot --show --type:Indiv1 --mod:less-gems,no-art
!loot --show --loc:Dragon's Lair --type:Horde4
!loot --show --type:Indiv2 --recip:Pip the Pickpocket --incl:Love Letter to Bryon
!loot --show --type:Horde1 --mod:more-mundane --whisper
!loot --show --incl:King's Footlocker --type:Horde3 --mod:dbl-coins,more-magic --test

Saved Loot

Each use of the --show command saves the results in a Treasure Collection for later distribution. This includes the recipient (if there was one) and whether or not the loot was whispered.

Once all items and coins in a Treasure Collection are bestowed or saved to a handout, the saved Collection is removed from memory. Starting or restarting the API sandbox will display a list of all unbestowed Treasure Collections which can be displayed and distributed or deleted entirely. The config menu will also tell you how many Treasure Collections remain unbestowed and provides a link to display the list.

If you had whispered the loot through the --show command, the Treasure Collection will be whispered to the recipient, or to the GM if no recipient was given.

Exporting & Importing

To provide customization options, export and import options are provided. You must first export data into handouts if you wish to add, remove, or modify items in the database. This will give you the proper format for your additional items and provides handouts with the proper titles that the import function will look for.

The required --tables parameter for the --export command is a comma delimited list. The options are Gems, Art, Table A, Table B, Table C, Table D, Table E, Table F, Table G, Table H, Table I, Mundane, and Spells. (Tables A through I correspond to the treasure tables in the DMG and each contain various Magic Items.) If you wish to add/modify the Mundane Items list, for example, you would export that table with !loot --export --tables:Mundane.

Note: For new installations, you must run --setup before exporting.

!loot --export --tables:Spells
!loot --export --tables:Mundane, Art

Once you have exported the tables you can edit them to your liking. Leave any original items you wish to use, delete those you don't want, and add your own custom items.

The required --tables parameter for the --import command is the same as those above.

!loot --import --tables:Spells
!loot --import --tables:Table A, Mundane

If you need to reset the database and have already customized any of the tables, you must re-import data from those tables after the reset.

Custom Items

LootGenerator provides a robust architecture for including homebrewed items of all sorts. Follow the guidelines below. For simplicity, it is recommended that you export the tables you wish to modify and use those default items as examples.

Magic & Mundane Items

Magic & Mundane Items have a specific format that allows a weighted distribution. For instance, Items with a weight of 2 will be twice as likely to be encountered as an item with a weight of 1. The default Magic Items have a weight value based on the d100 roll from the DMG tables, so be aware that adding a large number of new items will skew those weights accordingly. Mundane Items are weighted on their general usefulness, size, cost, etc.

There are many Magic Items that are unique and can only be found once during any campaign. To indicate this quality for your custom Items, send "unique" as the last parameter of the Magic Item. This item will then be removed from the database after it has been generated.

The format for Magic & Mundane Items is "weight|name" or "weight|name|unique", each on a separate line in the handout.

1|Ukulele of Wishes|unique

Built-In Replacement Variables

The Magic & Mundane Items tables use a built-in replacement syntax that allows randomization of item names and the rolling of dice. You will encounter many of these in the exported handouts, but only a few (below) will be relevant for use in your custom Magic Items. Words surrounded by %% are randomized selectors, while any die expression such as 1d4 will be within @ signs.

  • %%damage_types%% will return a random damage type, such as Acid, Fire, or Necrotic.
  • %%monster_types%% will return a random monster type, such as Beast, Dragon, or Giant.
  • %%dragon_types%% will return a random dragon type, such as Black, Copper, or Red.
  • %%swords%% will return a random sword type, such as Shortsword, Longsword, or Greatsword.
  • %%ammo%% will return Arrow, Crossbow Bolt, Sling Bullet, or Blowgun Needle.
  • %%leather_armor%% will return all armor types that provide non-metallic protection, such as Leather Armor, Hide Armor, or Padded Armor.
  • %%metal_armor%% will return all armor types that provide protection with metal, such as Breastplate, Chain Mail, or Plate Armor.


Database Entry Name Generated Loot
%%swords%% of Yawning Longsword of Yawning
Potion of %%damage_types%% Breath Potion of Thunder Breath
Homing %%ammo%% (@1d4+1@) Homing Crossbow Bolt (3)

In addition, there are extra replacement variables that aren't used in the default database which may be useful for your custom Magic Items. These are used the same as those mentioned above:

  • %%bludgeoning_weapons%% will return all weapons that do bludgeoning damage, such as Club, Quarterstaff, or Mace.
  • %%piercing_weapons%% will return all weapons that do piercing damage, such as Shortsword, Morningstar, or Longbow.
  • %%slashing_weapons%% will return all weapons that do slashing damage, such as Longsword, Battleaxe, or Whip.
  • %%twohanded_weapons%% will return all weapons that have the two-handed property, such as Greataxe, Longbow, or Pike.
  • %%thrown_weapons%% will return all weapons that have the thrown property, such as Dagger, Javelin, or Net.
  • %%finesse_weapons%% will return all weapons that have the finesse property, such as Shortsword, Dart, or Whip.
  • %%versatile_weapons%% will return all weapons that have the versatile property, such as Longsword, Quarterstaff, or Spear.
  • %%light_weapons%% will return all weapons that have the light property, such as Shortsword, Hand Crossbow, or Dagger.
  • %%heavy_weapons%% will return all weapons that have the heavy property, such as Greatsword, Longbow, or Pike.
  • %%light_armor%% will return all light armor, such as Leather Armor or Padded Armor.
  • %%medium_armor%% will return all medium armor, such as Hide Armor, Breastplate, or Chain Shirt.
  • %%heavy_armor%% will return all heavy armor, such as Splint Armor, Ring Mail, or Plate Armor.

Custom Replacement Variables

You can use unique randomization in your own custom items by using $$ around a list of words or phrases separated by a tilde (~). LootGenerator will choose randomly from that list every time the custom item is generated. You may also use any of the built-in replacement variables inside your random options list to give it even more flavor.


Database Entry Name Generated Loot
Wand of $$Yawning~Winking~Belching$$ Wand of Winking
$$@1d6@ Large~@1d8@ Medium~@1d10@ Small$$ Animal Bones 7 Small Animal Bones
Feather of $$%%ammo%%~%%damage_types%%$$ Deflection Feather of Blowgun Needle Deflection

Be careful when editing exported handouts! Leaving out a replacement variable character, or using one in an Item description without actually using it as a replacement variable, can break the script.


The Spell tables are not weighted as the Magic Items are, but are a simple list of all available spells that are used to generate spell scrolls. Each level of spell is a comma delimited list on one line preceded by a heading designating the level of the spells in the list. These headings are in ALL CAPS followed by a colon and also on their own line: "CANTRIPS:", "1ST LEVEL:", "2ND LEVEL" and so on.

Acid Splash, Blade Ward, Chill Touch, Dancing Lights, Druidcraft, Eldritch Blast
Alarm, Animal Friendship, Armor of Agathys, Arms of Hadar, Bane, Bless, Burning Hands

Gems & Art

As with the Spell tables, these are simple lists of items based on the DMG tables. There are five levels based on perceived value with the headings in all caps followed by a colon. First level has the heading of "LEVEL 1:" and so on.

Formatting Guidelines

  • Do not use commas in your custom Item names. They are used to separate items in the generated list of items. You will notice that default Item names that contain commas in the DMG tables have been modified to remove them. For instance, "Shield, +1" has been changed to "+1 Shield".
  • Do not use parenthesis. These are used by LootGenerator to denote multiples of items. Three Potions of Healing are generated as "Potion of Healing (3)." If an item has options, use a hyphen instead, i.e. "Ioun Stone - Protection."
  • Do not use characters used as replacement variable and syntax indicators (:, |, %, @, $, ~).

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