
Some (Download) Statistics of BB

Opened this issue · 4 comments

@az0, as you know, I'm pretty proud of being part of your project and what I already have done for it... show people how great that project is I'm part of, I would prefer to show them some (e.g. Download) Statistics.
This gives the people a feeling of influence I have...
I can show SourceForge Download Statistic, but I guess it reflects just a small part... (...compared e.g. by [Windows] Downloads direct done on or via Debian/Ubuntu Repos.)

Think such a up-to-date statistic would also help reporters that wanna write about BB, can also be released on Wikipedia and would help in pro/contra discussions about the use of BB!

@az0, are you able to provide and release some data ???

Btw., sidenote:
I would be surely be able to extend the NSIS Windows Installer that he e.g. send a Ping to a special page on BleachBit org each time a BB install was successful... ;)

az0 commented

I also like numbers like this, but this is particullarly difficult for BleachBit because

  1. BleachBit is free of charge
  2. BleachBit does not require registration
  3. Anyone may legally redistribute it (while following the GPL license)
  4. It is available in Windows and Linux repositories, such as Chocolately and Ubuntu
  5. On the web site, the BleachBit's audience is more likely to block trackers than normal Internet visitors
  6. In the application or installer, people might object to the tracking

So because of 1 and 2, any number I have would be an under-count.

A long time ago, I checked BleachBit's relative rank in the Ubuntu popcon, though this could also be a skewed measure.

Another measure is Google Trends

Without any Download/Usage Statistics (even if the incomplete and an under-count) it would be difficult to come (back?) into the German Wikipedia (because of "to small") what is IMHO the best (free) announcement of a app on the German market...

Stats should be e.g. linked/shown/screenshoted under or it's gets difficult to use them e.g. for (the German) Wikipedia, because of the hard rules...

az0 commented

According to a metric not skewed by browser's anti-tracking systems, the web site had 485,064 unique visitors in the last 30 days.

According to Google Analytics (which is skewed by anti-tracking systems), there were 125,719 download events since October 1. (This includes a spike from the BleachBit 3.0 release.)

Is this "big" enough for the German Wikipedia?

Yes! :)